XML Calabash Reference
Reference version 0.28
For XML Calabash version 1.2.0
Copyright © 2011–2020 Norman Walsh
Published 29 Mar 2020
Table of Contents
- 1. Preface
- 1. Building XML Calabash
- 2. Running XML Calabash
- 3. Calabash Ant Task
- 4. Configuration
- 1. Saxon processor
- 2. Saxon configuration
- 3. Implementation classes
- 4. Schema aware processing
- 5. Debug
- 6. Debug
- 7. Safe mode
- 8. Alternate configuration file
- 9. Logging style
- 10. Entity resolver
- 11. URI resolver
- 12. Extension
- 13. Binding
- 14. Parameter
- 15. Input
- 16. Data input
- 17. Output
- 18. Library
- 19. Step
- 20. Pipeline
- 21. Option
- 22. Profile File
- 23. Version
- 24. Step error listener
- 25. Serialization options
- 26. Extension function
- 27. FO processor
- 28. CSS processor
- 29. XProc configurer
- 30. Default system property
- 31. HTML parser
- 32. Saxon configuration property
- 33. Send mail configuration
- 34. Piperack configuration
- 5. Extensions
- 6. Piperack
- 1. Running Piperack
- 2. Using Piperack
- 2.1.
- 2.2.
(or just/
) - 2.3.
- 2.4.
- 2.5.
- 2.6.
- 2.7.
- 2.8.
- 2.9.
- 2.10.
- 2.11.
- 2.12.
- 2.13.
- 2.14.
- 2.1.
- I. Standard XProc Steps
- p:add-attribute - The standard p:add-attribute step
- p:add-xml-base - The standard p:add-xml-base step
- p:compare - The standard p:compare step
- p:count - The standard p:count step
- p:delete - The standard p:delete step
- p:directory-list - The standard p:directory-list step
- p:error - The standard p:error step
- p:escape-markup - The standard p:escape-markup step
- p:exec - The standard p:exec step
- p:filter - The standard p:filter step
- p:hash - The standard p:hash step
- p:http-request - The standard p:http-request step
- p:identity - The standard p:identity step
- p:in-scope-names - The standard p:in-scope-names step
- p:insert - The standard p:insert step
- p:label-elements - The standard p:label-elements step
- p:load - The standard p:load step
- p:make-absolute-uris - The standard p:make-absolute-uris step
- p:namespace-rename - The standard p:namespace-rename step
- p:pack - The standard p:pack step
- p:parameters - The standard p:parameters step
- p:rename - The standard p:rename step
- p:replace - The standard p:replace step
- p:set-attributes - The standard p:set-attributes step
- p:sink - The standard p:sink step
- p:split-sequence - The standard p:split-sequence step
- p:store - The standard p:store step
- p:string-replace - The standard p:string-replace step
- p:template - The standard p:template step
- p:unescape-markup - The standard p:unescape-markup step
- p:unwrap - The standard p:unwrap step
- p:uuid - The standard p:uuid step
- p:validate-with-relax-ng - The standard p:validate-with-relax-ng step
- p:validate-with-schematron - The standard p:validate-with-schematron step
- p:validate-with-xml-schema - The standard p:validate-with-xml-schema step
- p:wrap-sequence - The standard p:wrap-sequence step
- p:wrap - The standard p:wrap step
- p:www-form-urldecode - The standard p:www-form-urldecode step
- p:www-form-urlencode - The standard p:www-form-urlencode step
- p:xinclude - The standard p:xinclude step
- p:xquery - The standard p:xquery step
- p:xsl-formatter - The standard p:xsl-formatter step
- p:xslt - The standard p:xslt step
- II. Proposed EXProc Steps
- pxp:nvdl - Perform NVDL validation
- pxp:unzip - Extract documents from a ZIP file
- pxp:zip - Update a ZIP file
- pxf:copy - Copy a file
- pxf:delete - Delete a file
- pxf:head - Return the first few lines of a file
- pxf:info - Return information about a file
- pxf:mkdir - Create a directory
- pxf:move - Move a file
- pxf:tail - Return the last few lines of a file
- pxf:tempfile - Create a temporary file
- pxf:touch - Touch a file
- pos:cwd - Return the current working directory
- pos:env - Return a representation of the current OS environment
- pos:info - Return information about the operating system
- III. XML Calabash Extension Steps
- cx:asciidoctor - Convert AsciiDoc text to XML
- cx:collection-manager - Associate documents with a collection URI
- cx:commonmark - Transform a “CommonMark” flavored Markdown document into XHTML
- cx:css-formatter - Format a document using CSS
- cx:delta-xml - Run the DeltaXML comparitor
- cx:ditaa - Convert a “DIagrams Through ASCII Art” diagram into an image
- cx:eval - Evaluate a dynamically constructed pipeline
- cx:get-cookies - Get the cookies returned by the previous HTTP request
- cx:hash-document - Compute the hash of a document
- cx:java-properties - Reads a Java properties file
- cx:mathml-to-svg - Convert MathML to SVG
- cx:message - Output a message each time a document is processed
- cx:metadata-extractor - Extract metadata from images
- cx:namespace-delete - Delete namespace declarations
- cx:pegdown - Convert Markdown text to XHTML
- cx:plantuml - Convert an ASCII “PlantUML” diagram into an image
- cx:pretty-print - Reformat whitespace in a document
- cx:rdfa - Extract RDF triples from RDFa encoded documents
- cx:rdf-load - Load RDF triples from semantic web data sources
- cx:rdf-store - Stores RDF triples
- cx:report-errors - Send error report to the user
- cx:send-mail - Sends an email message
- cx:set-cookies - Set cookies for subsequent HTTP requests
- cx:sparql - Perform SPARQL queries
- cx:until-unchanged - Iterates to a fixed point
- cx:uri-info - Information about a URI
- cx:wait-for-update - Pause execution until a URI has changed
- cxu:compare - XML Unit comparison of two documents
- IV. MarkLogic XCC Steps
- ml:adhoc-query - Run an adhoc query on MarkLogic Server
- ml:insert-document - Insert a document into a database on MarkLogic Server
- ml:invoke-module - Invoke a module on MarkLogic Server
List of Figures
- 1. Amaryllis
List of Examples