XML Calabash Extension Steps
Table of Contents
- cx:asciidoctor - Convert AsciiDoc text to XML
- cx:collection-manager - Associate documents with a collection URI
- cx:commonmark - Transform a “CommonMark” flavored Markdown document into XHTML
- cx:css-formatter - Format a document using CSS
- cx:delta-xml - Run the DeltaXML comparitor
- cx:ditaa - Convert a “DIagrams Through ASCII Art” diagram into an image
- cx:eval - Evaluate a dynamically constructed pipeline
- cx:get-cookies - Get the cookies returned by the previous HTTP request
- cx:hash-document - Compute the hash of a document
- cx:java-properties - Reads a Java properties file
- cx:mathml-to-svg - Convert MathML to SVG
- cx:message - Output a message each time a document is processed
- cx:metadata-extractor - Extract metadata from images
- cx:namespace-delete - Delete namespace declarations
- cx:pegdown - Convert Markdown text to XHTML
- cx:plantuml - Convert an ASCII “PlantUML” diagram into an image
- cx:pretty-print - Reformat whitespace in a document
- cx:rdfa - Extract RDF triples from RDFa encoded documents
- cx:rdf-load - Load RDF triples from semantic web data sources
- cx:rdf-store - Stores RDF triples
- cx:report-errors - Send error report to the user
- cx:send-mail - Sends an email message
- cx:set-cookies - Set cookies for subsequent HTTP requests
- cx:sparql - Perform SPARQL queries
- cx:until-unchanged - Iterates to a fixed point
- cx:uri-info - Information about a URI
- cx:wait-for-update - Pause execution until a URI has changed
- cxu:compare - XML Unit comparison of two documents