4. Parameters specified as nested elements

4.1. input

Specification of resources to apply to an input port. May specify additional or alternative inputs to be applied to the inPort port or may be fixed or mapped resources to be applied to other ports.

4.1.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
port port name No; the primary non-parameter input port will be used
type input type, either XML or DATA No; default is XML
contentType content type, if this is equal to application/xml, ends in +xml, starts with text/ or has a charset of utf-8 specified, the input is treated as text, otherwise the input gets base64 encoded automatically before it is given to the pipeline No; default is guessed from the resource content, as fallback from the resource name and as second fallback application/octet-stream is used
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.1.2. Parameters specified as nested elements

Either Ant resources or a mapper may be specified, but not both. any Ant resource

Use Ant resources to specify fixed resources that should be applied to this port. Any readable resource can be used, e. g.

    <url url="http://www.w3.org"/>
</input> mapper

You can define resources to be used based on the resource(s) specified for the inPort port or on the current resource from the implicit and / or explicit input fileset.

You cannot use a mapper on the inPort port.

4.2. pipeline

Pipeline resource. Can be used instead of pipeline attribute.

4.2.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.2.2. Parameters specified as nested elements any Ant resource

Any Ant resource can be used, but only one single readable resource may be contained in it, e. g.

        <p:declare-step xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc" version="1.0">
            <p:input port="source" kind="document" primary="true"/>
            <p:output port="result" sequence="true"/>
    <url url="http://www.domain.org/pipeline.xpl"/>

4.3. output

Specification of resources to which to write the output from an output port. May be used as an alternative to out to specify to where to write the output from the outPort port or may be fixed or mapped resources to be applied to other ports.

4.3.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
port port name No; the primary output port will be used
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.3.2. Parameters specified as nested elements

Either Ant resources or a mapper may be specified, but not both. any Ant resource

Use Ant resources to specify fixed resources that should be applied to this port. Any writable Ant resource can be used, e. g.

        <file file="result.xml.bz2"/>
</output> mapper

You can define resources to which to write based on the resource(s) specified for the inPort port.

4.4. any Ant resource

Use readable Ant resources to specify fixed resources that should be processed consecutively in a sequence of Calabash runs.

4.5. mapper

You can define resources to which to write based on the resource(s) specified for the implicit fileset (based on includes, etc.) and / or on the explicit fileset formed from resource collections that are children of calabash.

4.6. namespace

Use nested namespace elements to define mappings between prefixes and namespace URIs for any prefixes that are used in option or parameter elements.

4.6.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
prefix Prefix to which to map the URI Yes
uri Namespace uri Yes
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.7. option

Specifies an option to be passed to the XProc processor

4.7.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
name Option name, which must be unique amongst the ones that are going to be used according to their if and unless attributes. QNames have their prefix matched against bindings specified in namespace elements. QNames may also be specified in Clark notation, i. e. {uri}name. No
value Option string value No
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.8. parameter

Specifies a parameter to be passed to the XProc processor

4.8.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
port Port to which to apply the parameter. No; default is only available parameter port, if there are no or more than one parameter ports, an error is raised
name Parameter name, which must be unique amongst the ones that are going to be used according to their if and unless attributes. QNames have their prefix matched against bindings specified in namespace elements. QNames may also be specified in Clark notation, e.g., {uri}name. No
value Parameter string value No
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.9. sysproperty

Specify Java system properties used by Calabash

4.10. syspropertyset

Specify sets of Java system properties used by Calabash

4.11. profile

Profile resource. Can be used instead of profileFile attribute.

4.11.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.11.2. Parameters specified as nested elements any Ant resource

Any Ant resource can be used, but only one single writable resource may be contained in it, e. g.

        <file file="profile.xml.bz2"/>

4.12. saxonConfig

Saxon config resource. Can be used instead of saxonConfigFile attribute.

4.12.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.12.2. Parameters specified as nested elements any Ant resource

Any Ant resource can be used, but only one single readable resource may be contained in it, e. g.

        <file file="saxon-config.xml.bz2"/>
        <configuration xmlns="http://saxon.sf.net/ns/configuration">
            <global optimizationLevel="10"/>

4.13. config

Config resource. Can be used instead of configFile attribute.

4.13.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.13.2. Parameters specified as nested elements any Ant resource

Any Ant resource can be used, but only one single readable resource may be contained in it, e. g.

        <file file="config.xml.bz2"/>
        <xproc-config xmlns="http://xmlcalabash.com/ns/configuration">
            <html-parser value="tagsoup" />

4.14. library

Library resources. The steps in the libraries loaded are only available in <step/> tags. If no steps are specified, the first step of the first loaded library will be used.

4.14.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.14.2. Parameters specified as nested elements any Ant resources

Any readable Ant resource can be used, e. g.

    <url url="http://xmlcalabash.com/extension/steps/library-1.0.xpl"/>

4.15. step

The steps to be used to form an implicit pipeline. If no steps are specified, the first step of the first loaded library will be used.

4.15.1. Parameters

Attribute Description Required
name The name of the step to execute. QNames have their prefix matched against bindings specified in namespace elements. QNames may also be specified in Clark notation, e.g., {uri}name. Yes
if This parameter behaves like standard Ant if's as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No
unless This parameter behaves like standard Ant unless' as documented at http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless No

4.15.2. Parameters specified as nested elements input

Input elements as documented in Section 4.1, “input”, with the exception that no nested mapper is supported, but only resource collections, e. g.

<step name="p:identity">
    <input port="source">
</step> parameter

Parameter elements as documented in Section 4.8, “parameter”, e. g.

<step name="p:template">
    <parameter name="foo" value="bar" />
</step> option

Option elements as documented in Section 4.7, “option”, e. g.

<step name="p:count">
    <option name="limit" value="1" />